Share Link Notifications

Share Links offer a convenient way to share files with external contacts. You might need to know when those contacts are accessing your files, so you can take some other action, such as processing uploads or updating an entry in your CRM.

Maybe you want to be notified when a visitor completes the registration form for your link. Perhaps you're using a Share Link to collect medical history information, and your clinic managers need to be informed when those documents are received. Share Link notifications help you close the loop and keep track of who is using your links.

Notify Users When Registration is Recorded

Link registration notifications are emails generated for a user when a web visitor accesses a Share Link's URL for the very first time. The notification email includes any registration information collected from the visit.

This feature can be enabled for an individual share link, but site administrators can also enforce company policy with site-wide settings. Site administrators can require every link to notify its creator about registrations, disable registration notifications, or allow users to choose their own behavior.

Notify Users When Files are Upload

A Share Link notification triggered by uploads includes a list of the files uploaded by the visitor and any registration information collected from them. This email is generated after the visitor leaves the Share Link page, 5 minutes after their upload finishes, or 1 hour after the page is opened (if they did not upload), whichever comes first.

Site administrators have access to site-wide settings to control whether these notifications can be enabled on share links. Administrators can enable upload notifications for all Share Link, disable them for all Share Links, or allow users to configure their own options for each link.

Notifications Are For Internal Users

Share Link Notification emails can only be sent to your account users, never to external contacts. If you have a use case that would require non-users to be notified when people access or upload to a Share Link, please contact us so we can learn more about your needs.

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