Changing the Geographic Region of a Folder
Site administrators, and users with administrator privilege for a folder, can change the storage region of a folder.
Use the Storage Location option of a folder to specify whether the folder should inherit its region from its parent folder, whether it should be placed into it's own region, or whether it should be a Remote Mount to an external system.
Once you change the region, the existing contents of the folder will be automatically migrated to the new region. The data migration happens in the background and may take some time depending on the size and quantity of stored data.
When accessing or downloading content during the migration period, completed files and folders will be accessed or downloaded from the new current region. Files and folders that are still in the process of being migrated will be accessed or downloaded from the old previous region until they have completed migration. This is so that users retain seamless access to all data, with no downtime, while data is being migrated to the new region.
New content will be uploaded and added to the new current region.
Changing a region begins the data migration process and will immediately send new data to the new region.
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