Outbound Emails

Files.com can send email notifications about activity on your site. This log shows a list of the email notifications that were sent.

We retain these logs for 30 days.

Below are the details available in outbound emails. Statuses such as Success, Suppressed, or Failure can be filtered within a specific date range.

DateTime when the email was sent.
SubjectSubject name of the email.
ToReceiver of the email in To field.
CcReceiver of the email in Cc field.
Delivery MethodDeliver method of the email. It can be custom_smtp if you have setup custom SMTP server for your site.
SMTP HostnameCustom SMTP server's hostname .
SMTP IPCustom SMTP server's IP.
MessageLog message.
StatusStatus such as Success, Suppressed or Failure for each outbound email action.

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